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Axl Sued For Sexual Assault

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Normies be like "Innocent people don't ever get accused of sexual misconduct. The universe simply doesn't allow it. Where there's smoke there's fire. Believe all women!" But when you mention Emmett Till. "Uhhh ummm that's different!"

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7 hours ago, invisible_rose said:

It hasn't even got to court yet. If it gets there, it'll likely mean there is substantial evidence. I'd suggest that people won't be talking about it too openly as it could affect the trial (should there be one). 

If there's evidence supporting the allegations, the most likely outcome is settlement out of court, so it's highly unlikely it goes to trial either way (if there's evidence debunking the allegations or there are legal holes in the lawsuit, the case will be dismissed). And It's a civil case - hence very different than a case where there would be criminal charges - so the unlikely scenario it went to trial wouldn't necessarily depend on the evidence (it would rather suggest that there wasn't enough evidence one way or the other).

Edited by Blackstar
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I thought Axl's reply was pretty clear he denied everything and that he was so adamant this didn't happen, he wanted her to pay him damages.  It could be some kind of lawyer game, sending a message that Axl's attorney thinks she doesn't have a case, too.

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18 minutes ago, cineater said:

I thought Axl's reply was pretty clear he denied everything and that he was so adamant this didn't happen, he wanted her to pay him damages.  It could be some kind of lawyer game, sending a message that Axl's attorney thinks she doesn't have a case, too.

LMAO, go Axl asking HER to pay HIM! :hug:😜😀🎉🎂 I love it! 🎂🎉😀😜 :hug:

Edited by Karice
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1 hour ago, Mansin Humanity said:

what on earth is this

Not sure. I was accused once. We didn't even do anything outside of making out, and later I had found out she would make such accusations against other men too who she actually had been with sexually. I think she had some issues to say the least. I don't even like thinking about it. What sucks, is even if the accused are innocent, friends/acquaintances/family, etc. will think and act different around you. It's a shitty thing to do to someone. Of course, every situation is different and it's not always black and white. In the situation I was in, even her best friend didn't believe her, and some people had defended me who I didn't expect to, and I'll never forget that. These types of situations reveal who your real friends are.

I recall a story years ago where a man and woman had a one-night stand. Both were under the influence of alcohol. This occurrence is not unusual. Both parted ways in the morning, the guy left his name and number behind because he apparently wanted to see the woman again, or perhaps wanted to go out with her again on a date, maybe a relationship, etc. and she felt she was violated that night after some time had gone by. I believe he was arrested and charged. I don't recall all the details, but this is an example of how complex such cases can be, where the accused had no malicious intent, and thought the accuser had consented, even if they are under the influence of alcohol. There's an argument one cannot consent while under the influence of alcohol or other substances, but how does one handle this? Breathalyze someone right before doing the deed? I suppose "common sense" applies, but again, every situation is different.  

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2 hours ago, Sweersa said:

Not sure. I was accused once. We didn't even do anything outside of making out, and later I had found out she would make such accusations against other men too who she actually had been with sexually. I think she had some issues to say the least. I don't even like thinking about it. What sucks, is even if the accused are innocent, friends/acquaintances/family, etc. will think and act different around you. It's a shitty thing to do to someone. Of course, every situation is different and it's not always black and white. In the situation I was in, even her best friend didn't believe her, and some people had defended me who I didn't expect to, and I'll never forget that. These types of situations reveal who your real friends are.

I recall a story years ago where a man and woman had a one-night stand. Both were under the influence of alcohol. This occurrence is not unusual. Both parted ways in the morning, the guy left his name and number behind because he apparently wanted to see the woman again, or perhaps wanted to go out with her again on a date, maybe a relationship, etc. and she felt she was violated that night after some time had gone by. I believe he was arrested and charged. I don't recall all the details, but this is an example of how complex such cases can be, where the accused had no malicious intent, and thought the accuser had consented, even if they are under the influence of alcohol. There's an argument one cannot consent while under the influence of alcohol or other substances, but how does one handle this? Breathalyze someone right before doing the deed? I suppose "common sense" applies, but again, every situation is different.  

Alcohol muddies the waters. It's just not a good idea to have sex when drunk, because the other party could say,"I was drunk out of my mind and didn't FULLY consent to sex." 

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5 hours ago, Nax said:

Normies be like "Innocent people don't ever get accused of sexual misconduct. The universe simply doesn't allow it. Where there's smoke there's fire. Believe all women!" But when you mention Emmett Till. "Uhhh ummm that's different!"

Emmitt Till was just a plain tragic thing. He apparently said something like,"You're pretty!" And the Woman said he raped her or something. This also happened in 1955 when Whites had a LOT of power and Blacks didn't really have any real power yet. Especially not a young 14 year old boy.  Poor Emmitt didn't deserve to be abducted, tortured, and lynched. 😫 Sad thing is, he could have still been alive today, at 82. 😫

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I thought his reply was interesting, particularly about the primary residence. I have heard of him having other properties but was never sure how accurate it was, so that makes sense from a legal standpoint. I did still think Malibu was his primary residence though. That said, it doesn't sound like he has been there much recently so maybe he has been laying low long term elsewhere. Everyone knows the Malibu address, I could understand him wanting a different address that is less well known.

I think him wanting to get damages was to be expected. He was unlikely to just accept it. The entire lawsuit seemed to be framed in such a way that it would piss him off more than get a settlement. It sounds like it did just that.

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28 minutes ago, JoJo Bonetto said:

I thought his reply was interesting, particularly about the primary residence. I have heard of him having other properties but was never sure how accurate it was, so that makes sense from a legal standpoint. I did still think Malibu was his primary residence though. That said, it doesn't sound like he has been there much recently so maybe he has been laying low long term elsewhere. Everyone knows the Malibu address, I could understand him wanting a different address that is less well known.

The answer also doesn't admit the jurisdiction of the NY state court, so I'm pretty sure the primary residence issue is for the purpose of transferring the case to another court (the NY federal court). I think that will probably happen in the next days and then the case will continue in the other court. From the answer it also looks like that as soon at it gets to the other court Axl's lawyers will try to have it dismissed on legal grounds.

He has said he likes spending time in Las Vegas, so maybe he has property there, too.

Edited by Blackstar
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12 hours ago, Blackstar said:

If there's evidence supporting the allegations, the most likely outcome is settlement out of court, so it's highly unlikely it goes to trial either way (if there's evidence debunking the allegations or there are legal holes in the lawsuit, the case will be dismissed). And It's a civil case - hence very different than a case where there would be criminal charges - so the unlikely scenario it went to trial wouldn't necessarily depend on the evidence (it would rather suggest that there wasn't enough evidence one way or the other).

Gotcha. Thanks for that. 

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7 hours ago, cineater said:

I'm  just a little curious, she's been saying shit for years, why Axl hasn't at least sent a cease and desist to her?  I was expecting to see that in his reply even if he hadn't followed up on it at the time.

When she told the story before (her book, the Daily Mail interview promoting her book, and the Look Away documentary) she didn't talk about rape or sexual assault (at least not explicitly). That is mentioned in the preface of Axl's answer.

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9 hours ago, cineater said:

I'm  just a little curious, she's been saying shit for years, why Axl hasn't at least sent a cease and desist to her?  I was expecting to see that in his reply even if he hadn't followed up on it at the time.

I believe it is only recently she has been claiming she was raped. 

And cease and desists aren't really intended to curb free speech but more about warning against copyright infringements; secondly, they probably didn't want to give her the attention by reacting to her claims unless necessary. 

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1 hour ago, Blackstar said:

When she told the story before (her book, the Daily Mail interview promoting her book, and the Look Away documentary) she didn't talk about rape or sexual assault (at least not explicitly). That is mentioned in the preface of Axl's answer.

Right,  it is the cause i doubt about she story.

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1 hour ago, Blackstar said:

When she told the story before (her book, the Daily Mail interview promoting her book, and the Look Away documentary) she didn't talk about rape or sexual assault (at least not explicitly). That is mentioned in the preface of Axl's answer.

Axl is denying they even had sex or he knew her.  Yet she published a book saying they did.  Has done interviews about it.  Why didn't he take some kind of legal action back then to stop the lies?  If I'm on the jury, that's something I would want to know.  

If I'm on the jury, I'm not very sympathetic towards her.  She preyed on him and used the encounter for profit.

I'm not very sympathetic towards anybody in this situation.  Look at where they were and what they were doing.  They actively participated when they knew they shouldn't and this wasn't the first time.  And they continued in these types of behavior afterwards.  They've got nobody but themself to blame, yet here it is in court, asking to assign blame and monetary value.

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13 hours ago, JoJo Bonetto said:

I thought his reply was interesting, particularly about the primary residence. I have heard of him having other properties but was never sure how accurate it was, so that makes sense from a legal standpoint. I did still think Malibu was his primary residence though. That said, it doesn't sound like he has been there much recently so maybe he has been laying low long term elsewhere. Everyone knows the Malibu address, I could understand him wanting a different address that is less well known.

Maybe the constant fires there had also be a reason for him to move out.

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20 minutes ago, cineater said:

Axl is denying they even had sex or he knew her.  Yet she published a book saying they did.  Has done interviews about it.  Why didn't he take some kind of legal action back then to stop the lies?  If I'm on the jury, that's something I would want to know.  

I suppose Axl's potential answer to that would be that there have been so many false or inaccurate stories about him in the press through the years due to his celebrity status that he couldn't take legal action against each and every one of them. He could also say that he didn't know about her book and the interview she did to promote it. His lawyer, though, responded to the more recent interview she did (in the documentary) saying that her story is totally fictional.

Also what Axl says is that he doesn't remember meeting her (so he says that he might have met her but denies having sex with her in the way she has described in her accounts).

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14 hours ago, Karice said:

Alcohol muddies the waters. It's just not a good idea to have sex when drunk, because the other party could say,"I was drunk out of my mind and didn't FULLY consent to sex." 

I agree. It is difficult to assess, however. How many drinks is too many, etc. But when in doubt, don't do it! Gotta save room for Jesus. :) Sex is supposed to be a gift of God between married couples anyways. 

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In his answer, Axl does not deny the allegations that she was in his hotel room and in bed with him. He merely denies knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief about the truth of the allegations. In other words, a fan photo taken in passing is no longer the only thing he doesn't deny. I'm guessing he must have realized that there could be evidence to support that part of Sheila's story, such as testimony from the other model who was still in the room at that point, or even just from somebody who saw them arrive at the hotel, so denying it is not in his best interest.

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5 hours ago, Blackstar said:

His lawyer, though, responded to the more recent interview she did (in the documentary) saying that her story is totally fictional.

He also pointed to the Howard Stern interview, where she completely fabricated statements Axl had made during the interview. Very big misstep by Sheila. Any jury could look at that and see she has a history of lying about easily verifiable things in order to "embellish" her story. If she lied about that then what else could she lie about?

Since there's no evidence of what allegedly happened between them privately, then the entire case rests on making people believe she is credible and her motives are pure. 

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5 hours ago, cineater said:

Axl is denying they even had sex or he knew her.  Yet she published a book saying they did.  Has done interviews about it.  Why didn't he take some kind of legal action back then to stop the lies?  If I'm on the jury, that's something I would want to know.  

Because lying that someone has had sex with someone is hardly damaging. Lies about rape, on the other hand... There is simply no reason why he would care about someone saying he has sex with them, he probably can't remember half of the groupies he has had anyway. 


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