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The US Politics/Elections Thread 2.0


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8 hours ago, Padme said:

If that it the case, then God is an fuckin idiot. He created a woman according to the fuckin lame ass Bible. It's all his fault :rofl-lol:

Now, this year in November there is midterm election. There could be plenty ballot initiatives about legal abortion. The people can vote yes or no. If Yes wins then abortion is legal. Marihuana and other drugs became legal that way. Already some States were prepared for something like to take place. Many laws protecting abortion has been passed before yesterday's ruling

The bible was written by some men back in ancient times. You can tell by how women are depicted. Either saints or sinners, no in between.  This just goes to show you how horrible human beings can be to each other. it's a test and we all are failing badly.

The government is leaving it up to each state and everyone needs to vote in November to change it, but good luck. Texas has been wanting this rule forever.  One day I will get the hel out of this backward state.

8 hours ago, Padme said:

If that it the case, then God is an fuckin idiot. He created a woman according to the fuckin lame ass Bible. It's all his fault :rofl-lol:

Now, this year in November there is midterm election. There could be plenty ballot initiatives about legal abortion. The people can vote yes or no. If Yes wins then abortion is legal. Marihuana and other drugs became legal that way. Already some States were prepared for something like to take place. Many laws protecting abortion has been passed before yesterday's ruling

Since Adam and Eve, lol, women have been the ones who have made the sin, so yeah, definitely a man wrote this book. I believe in a mother nature and we have all failed her. Human beings were given a brain and free will and we hae fucked up both. I include myself in this too. But the ones in power are really fucking us all.

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The only way to change these fucked up laws is to get out and vote those morons out. First up, I want Abbott out of being Governor of Texas. He's just a good old boy bigot. He cares about unborn babies, but 19 babies were just shot to death and he hasn't said a word about it in months. Didn't even attend one funeral either. I know he got booed because he cares more about guns than people. He has to go.

Americans have to get out and vote these people out. I wish we could vote the supremee court justices out too. That Thomas bastard wants to take everyone's freedoms away. he's married to a white women. 50 years ago that was illegal. Will he overturn that law too. What a bigoted bastard he is.

These politicians have to be voted out. That is our power. Start with the state elections then move up to the Federal. It's the only way change can come our way.

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It's interesting Thomas wants to go after precedents set in the cases of Griswold (birth control), Lawrence (decriminalization of gay sex), and Obergefell (legalization of gay marriage) but doesn't mention anything about Loving v. Virginia, a 1960s case that made interracial marriages legal and declared a constitutional right (despite not being explicitly stated in the constitution).

It's almost as if this old piece of shit bigot has skin in the game with respect to Loving v. Virginia, but could care less about other people's rights.

What an absolute garbage of a human being and justice.  Maybe everyone should have listened to Anita Hill three decades ago. 

George H.W. Bush can go fuck himself for that appointment just like his son can go fuck himself for Alito.  

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50 minutes ago, downzy said:

It's interesting Thomas wants to go after precedents set in the cases of Griswold (birth control), Lawrence (decriminalization of gay sex), and Obergefell (legalization of gay marriage) but doesn't mention anything about Loving v. Virginia, a 1960s case that made interracial marriages legal and declared a constitutional right (despite not being explicitly stated in the constitution).

It's almost as if this old piece of shit bigot has skin in the game with respect to Loving v. Virginia, but could care less about other people's rights.

What an absolute garbage of a human being and justice.  Maybe everyone should have listened to Anita Hill three decades ago. 

George H.W. Bush can go fuck himself for that appointment just like his son can go fuck himself for Alito.  

And lest we remain too partisan, we should also remember that Clarence Thomas was credibly accused of sexual misconduct during his confirmation hearings. The chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee went out of his way to belittle Anita Hill and ensure Thomas' easy confirmation. Wish it weren't true, but Joe Biden does bear some responsibility for Thomas being on the Court in the first place.

Not many are talking about it, and it certainly causes less immediate pain, harm, and death than Dobbs, but this morning's school prayer case is just as cataclysmic a shift in the Court's thinking. I won't lawyer everyone to death here, but essentially, the Court explicitly overruled the 1971 case Lemon v. Kurtzman, which provided the standard test we used to evaluate government endorsements of religion. That test has been replaced with a standard of ensuring that our laws “accord with history and faithfully reflect the understanding of the Founding Fathers.” It's a radical departure that opens the door for far more state-sanctioned religious indoctrination than has ever been Constitutionally permitted, especially coupled with the school funding decision last week.

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27 minutes ago, axlslash said:

And lest we remain too partisan, we should also remember that Clarence Thomas was credibly accused of sexual misconduct during his confirmation hearings. The chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee went out of his way to belittle Anita Hill and ensure Thomas' easy confirmation. Wish it weren't true, but Joe Biden does bear some responsibility for Thomas being on the Court in the first place.

Not many are talking about it, and it certainly causes less immediate pain, harm, and death than Dobbs, but this morning's school prayer case is just as cataclysmic a shift in the Court's thinking. I won't lawyer everyone to death here, but essentially, the Court explicitly overruled the 1971 case Lemon v. Kurtzman, which provided the standard test we used to evaluate government endorsements of religion. That test has been replaced with a standard of ensuring that our laws “accord with history and faithfully reflect the understanding of the Founding Fathers.” It's a radical departure that opens the door for far more state-sanctioned religious indoctrination than has ever been Constitutionally permitted, especially coupled with the school funding decision last week.

Yeah, as I said this morning on Facebook, the hits just keep on coming…

This will have disastrous consequences if you believe keeping religious belief and dictates out of public schools.  And make no mistake this decision will pertain to any and all religions. If the coach had asked students to pray to Allah, you can be sure the court would have thrown out his case.  This is nothing short of a blanket of the Christian variety being wrapped around a nation that was supposedly founded on keeping church and state separate.

Sorry, but I think your country is fucked for the next generation or two. 

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On 6/25/2022 at 10:05 PM, janrichmond said:


This is a great placard but in reality it's more complex now. A lot of women are anti choice, they front many of the organisations and the PR. There are a lot of complex reasons why this is and Dworkin's book Right Wing Women still provides a lot of good analysis relevant to today (free pdfs are online).

However I don't think we can use the same arguments and protests as the 70s. It's not just old, white men in power anymore - Thomas is black, Coney Barrett is a woman and there is a significant and growing Latino population whose Catholicism means they support abortion bans.

Yes, the base reasons remain the same, religion, misogyny, control over women and children etc. but the landscape has shifted in 50 years and I think this will have to be acknowledged in the fightback in order to be effective.

Just to be extra pessimistic I'm getting the impression that this won't end up like the summer of BLM and I think people are going to move on quickly - a lot of women and girls will suffer in the long run but largely silently. The states most likely to protest are the blue states that have kept protections, so less incentive and the red states seem to mostly embrace it given who they keep voting it.

The SC won't reverse this ruling, probably not ever because even RBG knew it was a shaky judgement. I think it has to be secured either at a federal level, through changing individual state governance via voting or both. We could be talking decades of work.


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16 hours ago, downzy said:

Yeah, as I said this morning on Facebook, the hits just keep on coming…

This will have disastrous consequences if you believe keeping religious belief and dictates out of public schools.  And make no mistake this decision will pertain to any and all religions. If the coach had asked students to pray to Allah, you can be sure the court would have thrown out his case.  This is nothing short of a blanket of the Christian variety being wrapped around a nation that was supposedly founded on keeping church and state separate.

Sorry, but I think your country is fucked for the next generation or two. 

Without question. And you're absolutely right: it's not about freedom of religion, it's about christian supremacy. For instance, I'm Jewish. Jewish law doesn't just permit, but in fact requires, that a woman seek an abortion if carrying the pregnancy would risk her physical or mental health. In most of the states banning all abortive procedures, those carve-outs are not protected, so these "religiously-based" bans on abortions are in fact prohibiting Jews from freely practicing our religious obligations. there are synagogues filing suits to that effect, but suffice it to say I don't think Coney Barrett or Alito or Roberts or the two sexual predators are going to care.

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44 minutes ago, axlslash said:

I don't think Coney Barrett or Alito or Roberts or the two sexual predators are going to care.

I think you're right for the rest of the cast of clowns, but I think Roberts is a bit more measured than the rest.  While he did vote in favour of Mississippi, he did not agree with the entire opinion of discarding all of Roe.  As much as I'm not a fan of having Roberts serving as the Chief Justice, I do give him credit for being a bit more measured and consistent with his rulings.  As opposed to Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, who have shown zero regard for precedent or consistency in their rulings.  They claim to be "originalists" but often find such ideology to be at odds with their own partisan policy choices.  Thomas is just a human piece of shit who should have been disbarred the minute he ruled for Trump over documents disclosure while his Axl Rose look-alike wife (seriously, check out the comparisons) runs around trying to overturn a Presidential election.  



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Abortions = Murder

Executions = Great day out

American right-wingers' overton window is in a different galaxy from anything I think is sane. I know that being unable to empathise with people is a weakness, but I just can't understand why they think any of the things they believe are good are good.


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The Supreme Court just announced that the EPA will no longer be able to set emission standards, claiming that the broad language in current laws passed by Congress provides too much leeway to the executive branch.   This is a full on assault to the administrative state.  Apparently 6 justices feel they know more about what Congress inferred in the laws it passed more so than Congress itself.

More proof the the country is a bit further along as it circles the drain than most thought.  

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On 6/27/2022 at 4:03 PM, downzy said:

It's interesting Thomas wants to go after precedents set in the cases of Griswold (birth control), Lawrence (decriminalization of gay sex), and Obergefell (legalization of gay marriage) but doesn't mention anything about Loving v. Virginia, a 1960s case that made interracial marriages legal and declared a constitutional right (despite not being explicitly stated in the constitution).

It's almost as if this old piece of shit bigot has skin in the game with respect to Loving v. Virginia, but could care less about other people's rights.

What an absolute garbage of a human being and justice.  Maybe everyone should have listened to Anita Hill three decades ago. 

George H.W. Bush can go fuck himself for that appointment just like his son can go fuck himself for Alito.  

Guess because his wife is white. Whoopie mentioned on the view about that rule too and if he would go after that one. lol

The Supreme court justices are getting out of hand. If they go after birth control and gay marriage I think some people might just try to attack them next time.  Why force someone to have a child they don't want or will care for?  And why don't they push birth control better and teach better sex education, so maybe there might not be a need for so many abortions?  No one seems to mention informing everyone about how to avoid getting pregnant. And if a woman if raped or is forced to have an incest relationship and then they would have to keep the baby? WTF?  It's insane.

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17 hours ago, Graeme said:

Abortions = Murder

Executions = Great day out

American right-wingers' overton window is in a different galaxy from anything I think is sane. I know that being unable to empathise with people is a weakness, but I just can't understand why they think any of the things they believe are good are good.


Texas is: 

GUNS: Hell yeah

Abortions no, but if a child grows up in an abusive family or goes hungry because they can't afford to have the kid, who gives a shit then?

Abbott is so happy to save babies from abortion, but can't seem to keep kids safe while in school due to crazy 18 year olds buying AR 15 or AK 47?  This guy has to go.

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I find the concept of "scientific facts" interesting.

aren't facts, just facts?

Is a "fact" more valuable when it is a "scientific" fact?

What even is a scientific fact, and how is it different to just a "fact", without the moniker "scientific" added to it?

I like apple pie. This is a fact. It isn't a scientific fact though, because there are, to my knowlegde, no scientific papers that confirm this. But, it is as much a fact as general relativity.

Now, if I would claim that it is a "scientific" fact that I like apple pie, then this adds some importance, credibility and even value to this statement. By adding this word, it becomes part of the acceptable canon of facts to state, or even discuss.

This is why, every time I see something labeled as a scientific fact, I have to laugh a bit. If a fact is a fact, it should speak for itself, it wouldn't need science as a backing. In stead of giving it credibility, to me it just looks as if a fact needs backing, it looks like someone is trying to sell something to me. and most of the time, it is.

Edited by action
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3 minutes ago, action said:

What even is a scientific fact, and how is it different to just a "fact", without the moniker "scientific" added to it?

"an observation that has been confirmed repeatedly and is accepted as true (although its truth is never final)"

"the result of repeatable careful observation or measurement by experimintation or other means, also called empirical evidence".

so not quite the same as liking apple pie 

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1 minute ago, Rovim said:

"an observation that has been confirmed repeatedly and is accepted as true (although its truth is never final)"

"the result of repeatable careful observation or measurement by experimintation or other means, also called empirical evidence".

so not quite the same as liking apple pie 

"liking apple pie" is 100 % a possible scientific research object, because you can measure various parameters to measure my enjoyment of apple pie. Brain activity, heart rate, saliva production, face expression etc...

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3 minutes ago, action said:

"liking apple pie" is 100 % a possible scientific research object, because you can measure various parameters to measure my enjoyment of apple pie. Brain activity, heart rate, saliva production, face expression etc...

what brain activity

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On 6/25/2022 at 12:27 AM, 31illusions said:

Roe V Wade has been overturned!  Thank God!

To quote President Donald J. Trump: "God has made this decision"

The right to an abortion is no longer a constitutional right. Nor should it ever have been. Millions of voices that were silenced can now have a voice.

This is only the beginning. God will turn this nation around. It's not over. Thank you God!

What a load of crap. I'm sure God would want to this to be done to a 10 year old girl. BRAVO! Who cares, right? As long as she wasn't aborted in the womb, bigots couldn't care less. What a retard, hypocrite, awful, awful, criminal, disturbed, inhumane, undespicably vile country the US has become. It makes me sick.


But seriously, do you honestly think a 10 year old rape victim should keep the baby of the despicable pedophile that impregnated her?

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On 7/4/2022 at 12:29 PM, Lio said:

But seriously, do you honestly think a 10 year old rape victim should keep the baby of the despicable pedophile that impregnated her?

The answer to this is that yes, yes they do. I'm sure if you asked them they'd say no but "this doesn't happen very often so it's fine". 

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