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About to start the first week of work at home with a full house here in Nottingham, UK; was at home most of last week, this week I am joined by Mrs SoundOfAGun and the mini Guns. We are expected to home school the eldest and whilst the youngest is still allowed to go to her nursery, we don't want to risk it. Going to be a fun few weeks!

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12 minutes ago, lukepowell1988 said:

Dumb question perhaps but if the UK goes into Lockdown I assume people wont be able to go to work?

Depends, I guess. People working in crucial sectors still go to work, even in Italy, where all non-essential companies have been shut down now.

In Belgium people still work, except for bars, restaurants, and all stores that are not food stores, of course. You have to work from home, and if that's impossible, you have to be able to maintain social distancing at the company. If you can't guarantee that, the company will be shut down.

Public transport still works, but most trains/buses/trams have been canceled.

We've been doing this since March 14th now (stores only closed early last week though), and the new cases/dead have gone done for two days now. But of course it's too early to talk about the worst is over. They're expecting the peak by the end of this week, I think. We'll see.

Edited by Lio
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35 minutes ago, lukepowell1988 said:

Dumb question perhaps but if the UK goes into Lockdown I assume people wont be able to go to work?

Yeah, unless you are a key worker. If you're not though the government will pay you 80% of your salary until you can go back.

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4 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

Proper fuckin' dead in town.  It appears the ol' Kung Flu is really taking hold.  Some of the boozers are letting the lads in round the back on the hush-hush.

Well if anybody would know about letting the lads in round the back it'd be you. :lol: 

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I was in the city centre this morning. More quiet than usual, but still nowhere near a ghost town considering most stores and companies are closed. 

Didn't see anyone wearing a mask.

I didn't see the 1,5 m. distance rule being applied in most situations.

Saw a few elderly people up and about.

Wonder what the government is going to do about this because a lot of people obviously aren't listening.

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Just When You Thought Things Couldn’t Get Worse, Neo-Nazis Are Trying to Weaponize Coronavirus 

White supremacists are discussing schemes that use infected “saliva” to target law enforcement agents and “nonwhite” people

... According to a law enforcement weekly intelligence brief, federal investigators appear to be monitoring neo-Nazis’ conversations on Telegram where plans of weaponizing items such as spray bottles with infected saliva were discussed.

“Violent extremists continue to make bioterrorism a popular topic among themselves. White Racially Motivated Violent Extremists have recently commented on the coronavirus stating that it is an ‘OBLIGATION’ to spread it should any of them contract the virus,” the intelligence brief written by the Federal Protective Service, a part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, read.

Yahoo News goes on to quote the brief which said that the neo-Nazis discussed “suggested targeting… law enforcement and minority communities, with some mention of public places in general.” (...)


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Interview with Dr Fauci where he basically says Trump's a moron but there's nothing he can do about it.


‘I know, but what do you want me to do?’: Fauci’s strikingly honest review of Trump’s coronavirus response

Anthony S. Fauci’s interview with Science magazine began on an inauspicious note. Asked how he’s doing right now, Fauci said he was “exhausted” but “good.”

“I mean, I’m not, to my knowledge, coronavirus-infected,” he said, before adding with a laugh: “To my knowledge, I haven’t been fired.”

The half-joke was a sign of things to come. What followed were several exchanges that should help people take stock of President Trump’s response to the coronavirus. Repeatedly, Fauci tacitly and even openly admitted that comments made by the commander in chief are not true and are not in line with what the nation’s leading infectious disease expert is advising.

In short, it’s precisely what the critical coverage of Trump has been saying for weeks, but that Trump’s many and ardent defenders have applied blinders on themselves to ignore.

The interviewer, Jon Cohen, asked whether Fauci would acknowledge that Trump says things he disagrees with, and Fauci seemed to grant the premise — albeit diplomatically. Fauci maintained that, “I don’t disagree on the substance” — with “on the substance” being the key phrase — but then added: “It is expressed in a way that I would not express it, because it could lead to some misunderstanding about what the facts are about a given subject.”

If we’re going to distill that down, he’s essentially saying the president is confusing people — at the bare minimum. The exchange highlights the mixed messages the country has been getting in recent days, in particular, about the promise of certain drugs to treat the coronavirus. While Fauci has warned that evidence of the drugs’ effectiveness is “anecdotal” and that there is no “magic drug” to treat the coronavirus, Trump said Friday that he “disagreed” with Fauci, at least in part, and has repeatedly hailed a malaria drug in particular as a possible “game-changer.” On Saturday, he tweeted about the drugs and said he hoped they would be put to use “IMMEDIATELY.”

Asked about the White House holding crowded events like a Rose Garden news conference in which Trump was shaking hands with people, Fauci admitted he has repeatedly advised against it.

“I keep saying, is there any way we can get a virtual news conference. Thus far, no,” Fauci said. “But when you’re dealing with the White House, sometimes you have to say things one, two, three, four times, and then it happens. So I’m going to keep pushing.”

Pressed on the inappropriateness of the events again, Fauci began to show signs of exasperation.

“I know that,” he said. “I’m trying my best. I cannot do the impossible.”

So … what’s impossible? Getting the White House to change how it handles public events?

That apparent exasperation bled into the next question, in which Cohen pressed Fauci on Trump’s claim that the response would have been better “if we had known about this a number of months earlier.” (China has indeed been criticized for not alerting the world sooner, but The Washington Post reported this week that U.S. intelligence officials were warning about a likely pandemic as far back as January.)

When Cohen noted Trump’s timeline “just doesn’t comport with facts,” Fauci agreed.

“I know, but what do you want me to do?” Fauci said. “I mean, seriously Jon, let’s get real: what do you want me to do?”

He then said he had tried to get Trump to stop saying that but suggested he can’t correct him in real time at these events.

“I told the appropriate people, it doesn’t comport, because two or three months earlier would have been September,” Fauci said. “The next time they sit down with him and talk about what he’s going to say, they will say, by the way, Mr. President, be careful about this and don’t say that. But I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down. Okay, he said it. Let’s try and get it corrected for the next time.”

Fauci then indicated he disagrees with Trump calling it the “Chinese virus,” which critics have alleged is xenophobic. Just look at this exchange:

Q: You have not said “China virus.”

A: Ever.

Q. And you never will, will you?

A: No.

Fauci provided a window into the White House’s preparation for task force events. He said after they discuss what the message will be, “somebody writes a speech. Then he gets up and ad-libs on his speech."

He offered a curt response when asked about when he momentarily wiped his brow demonstratively when Trump referred at one event the “Deep State Department.” Trump’s critics have highlighted this as evidence of the alleged exasperation officials feel with Trump’s commentary on the matter.

“No comment” is all Fauci would say.

But Fauci didn’t have to comment. His responses throughout the interview painted a picture of a president who may eventually heed advice but is exceedingly difficult to work with, especially when it comes to his messaging.

And this has been the fundamental disconnect with his coronavirus response. The media gets accused of being overly critical of Trump when in fact it’s often pointing out that the things he says are simply untrue, that he announces things that don’t actually pan out, or — in most cases — that his message just doesn’t line up with the more circumspect comments of the actual experts around him.

Trump’s exchange with NBC News’s Peter Alexander on Friday epitomized this. When Alexander noted Fauci’s less-optimistic statements about there being no “magic drug” for the coronavirus, Trump openly said he disagreed. Then he grew angry with Alexander for pointing out that disconnect and asking Trump — who has a long history of at first downplaying the coronavirus and now being more optimistic than health officials about the fight against it — if he worried he might not be being totally realistic about the threat.

Fauci’s interview, while at times diplomatic, reinforces the fairness of that line of questioning. Task force members have tried hard to present a united front in the fight against the coronavirus and have strained to avoid looking like they are second-guessing Trump. Even in this interview, Fauci said “to [Trump’s] credit, even though we disagree on some things, he listens. He goes his own way. He has his own style. But on substantive issues, he does listen to what I say.”

Listening is one thing, though; acting in accordance with advice is another. It’s been evident for a while that Trump indeed “goes his own way” on many things, despite that advice. Fauci seems to be only so willing to downplay Trump’s unwieldiness in the face of a true crisis. He openly admits the things Trump says could “lead to some misunderstanding about what the facts are about a given subject.” That’s far from an ideal situation.

If there’s one person in this whole saga who has built up vast reserves of credibility, it’s Fauci. And even he seems to recognize that shooting straight might not be great for his long-term employability in the administration.



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48 minutes ago, EvanG said:

I was in the city centre this morning. More quiet than usual, but still nowhere near a ghost town considering most stores and companies are closed. 

Didn't see anyone wearing a mask.

I didn't see the 1,5 m. distance rule being applied in most situations.

Saw a few elderly people up and about.

Wonder what the government is going to do about this because a lot of people obviously aren't listening.

Accord the doctors the face mask is just to sick people and medical personal. Mask to people not infected is useless.

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10 minutes ago, EvanG said:

Italy - 59.138 cases - 5.476 deaths

Spain - 28.768 cases - 1.772 deaths

France - 16.018 cases - 674 deaths

Germany - 24.873 cases - 94 deaths

That is significantly less.

The main explanation is likely that there are many more infected in Italy, Spain and France than the numbers you posted. Germany has likely tested many more, so their number is closer to reality.

This also implies that 0.4 %, which is the number you get from the German numbers, is closer to the actual fatality rate than the 9.3 % you get if you compute from Italy's numbers.

Edited by SoulMonster
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2 minutes ago, lukepowell1988 said:

Corr Priti Patel is tasty 

Currently giving a commons update.

Phhhwaooor!!! I'd love to update her commons! :lol: 


Donald J Fuckface




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A breakdown through graphs on how each nation is fairing so far:


Since testing is spotty at best in most countries, the data and plot points should be taken with some pause.

But as it stands, based on current data, things look very bleak for the US.

"So we don’t yet know the full extent of the outbreak, but we do know America was less prepared for a pandemic than other countries in the first place. The US’s high uninsured rate, high out-of-pocket health care costs, and low medical system capacity combined to make the country more vulnerable to a pathogen before the coronavirus ever came to our shores. America’s lax response in the early days of the outbreak only compounded those preexisting problems."

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