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58 minutes ago, Dazey said:

Unfortunately at the moment it's nigh on impossible to get a home delivery of groceries over here. We've manged to get a Waitrose delivery for the 28th but every other supermarket has no available delivery slots for the next 3 weeks and they only show 3 weeks at a time.

I've tried every supermarket for home delivery, like you 3 weeks, i did get a click and collect (which was booked 2 weeks ago) but the bloke has to drive 10 miles to get it on Sunday.


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5 minutes ago, downzy said:

So this was terrible:


Maybe we should do a MYGNR version and cover a GNR song.  Welcome to the Jungle?  Get in the Ring?  TWAT?

I nominate @Dazey to kick things off.  Make sure you look as sick as you claim to be :P 

It would be "Get in the ring Corona Virus"....:D

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In Europe, Italy was the first country to be really affected. They’re the guinea pig. 
Every other country is on the same trajectory but 1, 2 or 3 weeks behind. The sad thing is, the numbers are still not going  down in Italy. 

Luckily, other countries put actions in place quicker so will hopefully do better. It’s actually really bad in other countries like Spain but we’re kind of used to it now so it doesn’t seem so bad. 

In Ireland, we are expecting 15000 by the end of the month. That’s a big number for a country of 5m people. 

The global recession that follows will probably be worse than the virus itself.

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As for Norway, we don't have equipment to test as many as we should and would like. This means that the curve showing less growth in number of new infected per day, is probably even more underestimated now than before. It also means we are losing the ability to isolate people and slow down the spread efficiently, because we don't know who's got it. Basically, we are losing some of the control we had on slowing the spread. Fortunately, we employed quite strict social distancing measures a while ago, and hopefully we will see some effect of this at last. It should be very effective.

What we shouldn't forget in all this is that even if we succeed at "flattening the curve" -- resulting in the intensity of the disease calming down -- we are basically just postponing people getting sick to later. The virus isn't going anywhere even if we distance ourselves socially. As soon as measures are loosened, people will get infected again. The virus likely travel around the world for years to come. 

But there are still two good reasons to "flatten the curve" and postpone our own infection: that the health care systems can keep up and not be overburdened by too many getting sick at the same time, and that medicines will be eventually available. So to all of you who hasn't got it yet: you will likely be exposed to the virus sooner or later, not necessarily this year, but perhaps next year; but when it does happen we might have medicines and hopefully the hospitals and doctors will have enough capacity to deal with you properly.

And that is if you even need any care. We shouldn't forget that the vast majority of people infected display none to very mild symptoms. That is not to downplay the fact that some get very sick, even young people. So let's not despair, we will get through this.

Let's hope GN'R follows in the foot steps of other artists and does a live "home" concert to stream over the internet to cheer us all up a bit and make the home isolation less boring.

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1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

It's perplexing how much worse the disease is in Italy than it was in China. I hope they can turn the tide soon but likely the number of fatalities per day will just continue to increase for some time.

It really is the only example when having a dictatorship helps...

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13 hours ago, Lio said:

To the Dutch guys here not being worried and noticing nothing of the epidemic: according to our news Holland's hospitals  in one region are overcrowded and can't treat emergencies anymore, so the army has been deployed to transport sick people to other parts of the country.

Maybe it's time more Dutch people started to take this seriously.

I am speaking about my personal situation. Again, I can't afford not to go to work. Maybe you can. I wish I could stay at home but we don't have a total lockdown so I don't get to stay at home. When I am outside I don't see a lot that is out of the ordinary. Life goes on. I live in the countryside, maybe it's different in a big city. I don't know a single person who knows someone with this virus so far. Doesn't mean I don't take it seriously but I do put things into perspective. My mom got rushed to the hospital last week, she's okay now but something like that worries me more than a virus that has affected a very small percentage so far, and when I read how in China out of the 80,000 more than 60,000 have recovered, I have faith that we will get through this. Maybe I will be more worried in a few months from now.

Edited by EvanG
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Vets aren't on the key workers list in event of a lockdown, apart from out-of-hours emergency vets...which makes no sense as emergencies still happen in the daytime when a lot of these facilities aren't open as the GPs would usually be...so who's to be there for those animals?  I completely understand shutting down routine appointments and surgeries but someone needs to provide medical care for sick animals.

At my work we've all been given letters to carry around with us to say we're essential staff to care for the animals living at our shelter, for if we end up in a situation where the police can stop anyone out on the street and detain them :unsure: 

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3 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

What we shouldn't forget in all this is that even if we succeed at "flattening the curve" -- resulting in the intensity of the disease calming down -- we are basically just postponing people getting sick to later. The virus isn't going anywhere even if we distance ourselves socially. As soon as measures are loosened, people will get infected again. The virus likely travel around the world for years to come. 

Not to mention, in terms of social distancing, that only a certain part of the population can follow this. Yes, you can stay away from restaurants and malls and such, but not everyone is able to work from home. 

People are overloading the system looking for unemployment benefits -- someone's got to be in the office to process those claims.

Someone has to be in the office to process payroll.

Dillon's grocery stores is hiring 10,000 people to work stocking stores and manning the till - let alone there has to be people at work hiring those people and setting them up as employees.

Walmart is hiring 100,000 new people

The trucks that are carrying all these supplies need to get gas so someone has to work at the gas stations.

These trucks break down and need parts so someone needs to work at the parts stores and repair shops.

All healthcare workers including retirement home employees and personal support workers, vets, etc. 

And the list goes on and on. So hopefully the measures taken will flatten the curve a bit but there are many others who still need to be out and about. 

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4 hours ago, jacdaniel said:

In Europe, Italy was the first country to be really affected. They’re the guinea pig. 
Every other country is on the same trajectory but 1, 2 or 3 weeks behind. The sad thing is, the numbers are still not going  down in Italy. 

Luckily, other countries put actions in place quicker so will hopefully do better. It’s actually really bad in other countries like Spain but we’re kind of used to it now so it doesn’t seem so bad. 

In Ireland, we are expecting 15000 by the end of the month. That’s a big number for a country of 5m people. 

The global recession that follows will probably be worse than the virus itself.

Sadly is like you can die for the virus, or you will die for starvation. Is like can't to choose.

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