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Axl Sued For Sexual Assault

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Armchair legal analyst here.

So, as many have said, this likely will settle. I’d also like to say I am not taking side on this case yet and want to see how it plays out.

If it does go to trial, the defense is going to have an uphill battle. The plantiff gets to present their case and show their evidence in the form of testimonies and potentially witnesses. Now, if you’re the defense, what do you argue? You can’t run a case just saying “it didn’t happen”. So likely what will happen is the defense won’t run a case besides questioning witnesses and attacking credibility. Which might be possible- im not sure how much evidence exists for the plantiff. But one thing to remember is civil trials are not “guilty beyond a reasonable doubt”, it’s more about “is it more true than not true”. In the court of public opinion I wouldn’t be surprised if Axl is to be considered liable. He doesn’t have a great reputation in his heyday due to his mental state, and you can bet the plantiff will be attacking that and bringing it up any turn. The defense’s best bet is to bring up conflicting writings that the Plantiff has made and put her on blast for that. But you can bet she’s preparing her response for it and will be rehearsing that.

In short, Axl has so much money that he should just settle. Having this drag out in the media and get more publicity probably isn’t worth it for him or the band. 

Edited by AxlRoseCDII
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Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, I believe. The amount of accusations combined with Axl having deeply disturbing abuse experience in his youth, leads me to think some of these accusations could be true. Don’t really care that much either way but just my 2 cents. 

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I think Axl's track record with women back then speaks for itself. This is the same Axl who used Steven Adler's girlfriend to record an actual sexual encounter for "Rocket Queen".

However, I don't think it's right for charges to be brought up 34 years later, the woman had plenty of time to file a suit before now. This whole #metoo movement is really sketchy. Seems like an invitation for a woman, or man in some instances, to take a consensual sexual encounter, and claim rape/sexual assault years later. There are probably divorced women who have used this against their former husbands just in an attempt to ruin their reputation.

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12 minutes ago, Old_school_gnr_fan said:

I think Axl's track record with women back then speaks for itself. This is the same Axl who used Steven Adler's girlfriend to record an actual sexual encounter for "Rocket Queen".

However, I don't think it's right for charges to be brought up 34 years later, the woman had plenty of time to file a suit before now. This whole #metoo movement is really sketchy. Seems like an invitation for a woman, or man in some instances, to take a consensual sexual encounter, and claim rape/sexual assault years later. There are probably divorced women who have used this against their former husbands just in an attempt to ruin their reputation.

Totally agree his track record with women back in the day is not good at all, if this story had come from Erin I would believe it in a heartbeat. But there is so many contradictions in Sheila's story I'm beginning to wonder if it happened at all, of course I would change my mind if she has any actual evidence, but for now I'm leaning towards Axl's side on this one. 

And to be fair to Axl, Adrianna was not exactly Steven's girlfriend, she was a woman they all screwed around with. She liked to bounce between Steven, Slash and Axl. And she slept with Axl to get back at Steven for sleeping with a friend of hers, it's not like she was exactly seduced into doing it or stolen from her boyfriend, and that was completely consensual. 

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1 hour ago, Ratam said:

How he can use pills, cocaine, lithium and champagne at same time and not be crazy...?

Speaking as someone with Bipolar Disorder, although he now claims not to have that, I would be howling at the moon crazy on that list. Just the champagne and coke alone would probably send me over the edge. Assuming that whatever he does/does not have going on is some kind of mood or personality disorder (and it might not be), that would be a triggering cocktail in most people with an underlying condition in those categories and in my case, it is highly unlikely that I would remember any of it the next day, either.

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4 minutes ago, DoMw94 said:

She was sick. She's a human being, humans get sick. Nothing strange about it

The timing could be argued as strange. Thank you for the information about how human being’s can become ill. No human being in the history of the world has ever said “sick” to explain an absence. That never happens.

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4 minutes ago, Silence said:

The timing could be argued as strange. Thank you for the information about how human being’s can become ill. No human being in the history of the world has ever said “sick” to explain an absence. That never happens.

At all three shows she was absent Axl included her in the band introductions - at the last one (and last one of the tour) he prompted the crowd to cheer harder for her.

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if she said it was a consensual relationship before, it probably was, so there's no case.

that said, that kind of defense "I have no recollection, I don't know this person, all made up, but it could be a photo, maybe I meet the gal..." sounds more like a "yeah I remember it's true but you can't prove it" 

luckyly Riki Rachtman is loyal and doesn't need money...


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8 minutes ago, DeNfr said:

that said, that kind of defense "I have no recollection, I don't know this person, all made up, but it could be a photo, maybe I meet the gal..." sounds more like a "yeah I remember it's true but you can't prove it" 

luckyly Riki Rachtman is loyal and doesn't need money...

More likely "I don't remember anything, but maybe I did meet her and it did happen".

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7 hours ago, Silence said:

The timing could be argued as strange. Thank you for the information about how human being’s can become ill. No human being in the history of the world has ever said “sick” to explain an absence. That never happens.

When would be the right time for her to be ill then? Nothing strange about it

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