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STEVEN ADLER: "Izzy is just as heartbroken as I am that the three of them decided to leave us out and bring three strangers in–who are those people?"

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5 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

Again after he hang out with them, I suppose. Richard, Frank, Dizzy and Melissa don't make the decisions, they just do their job. They are an easy target as much as Steven is.

These guys (Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff and Adler) has said a lot of things against each in interviews and books over the years. Now at least Axl, Slash and Duff are friends again. It's all part of being GN'R.

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2 minutes ago, killuridols said:

Still, none of what Steven said will match the "classy" Slash is a cancer and other terrible things said by King Axl ;)

Also, one time Slash was asked about Stephanie Seymour and he acted like he didn't know her either, after being in two videos with her literally interacting face to face :facepalm:

I don't think these examples are comparable. "Cancer" was horrible, but it has nothing to do with class or its lack there off - it's like a too bitter comment about an ex.

And Slash never socialised with Stephanie Seymour, as far as I know.

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12 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

I don't think these examples are comparable. "Cancer" was horrible, but it has nothing to do with class or its lack there off - it's like a too bitter comment about an ex.

And Slash never socialised with Stephanie Seymour, as far as I know.

A resentful comment like that certainly lacks of class, manners, sensitivity and taste. It has all to do with class.

Yes he did, at least in the videos like November Rain, he appears in a bar sitting with Stephanie, Axl and others.
He's the guy who brings the wedding rings to the groom & bride.

That is enough interaction for him to know that she was the girlfriend of Axl, yet he played amnesic in one French interview from the 90's.

He also said something similar about Tommy Stinson: "It really isn’t that big a deal. Duff told me he was going to fill in for what’s his name".

In a nutshell, all of them lack some class when they want to be mean at each other. It is not a Steven Adler exclusive thing.

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To me, this means any hope we had of the original 5 playing together is now gone. If Steven was in contact with the guys and still had hope of playing with them again, he wouldn't be popping off in the media. I think Steven is saying what he's saying because he feels he has nothing to lose and is just going to tell it like it is. I'm not sure that Izzy is "heartbroken" but probably disappointed about the whole thing.

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17 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

I am merely stating that they're not "strangers" by any definition of the word.

They are not strangers by the definition of the word but if you ask any of the casuals attending the shows, you'd see how most people do not have a clue who they are or what their name is.
Some even confuse Fortus with Izzy! :facepalm:

For most, Guns N' Roses is the AFD lineup and others also remember Gilby and Sorum much more than Fortus & Frank.

This is because the band caused huge impact in the early 90's than with this reunion.

On top of that, neither Frank, Fortus & Melissa are part of anything memorable that GN'R has ever made and unfortunately for them, that contributes to make them even more invisible for the majority of fans.


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Yeah reading a Steven Adler interview at this point becomes redundant, he basically talks about the same shit in every one. I don't know if i could spend more than a few hours in Steves company to be honest let alone a 2 year tour, nice enough but he seems like hard work. Kinda telling Izzy hit Sorum up to play drums on a track recently and not Adler, he obviously doesn't want to deal with him either.

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1 minute ago, killuridols said:

They are not strangers by the definition of the word but if you ask any of the casuals attending the shows, you'd see how most people do not have a clue who they are or what their name is.
Some even confuse Fortus with Izzy! :facepalm:

For most, Guns N' Roses is the AFD lineup and others also remember Gilby and Sorum much more than Fortus & Frank.

This is because the band caused huge impact in the early 90's than with this reunion.

On top of that, neither Frank, Fortus & Melissa are part of anything memorable that GN'R has ever made and unfortunately for them, that contributes to make them even more invisible for the majority of fans.


I know, I know, I know. That's what I included this "Clarification Statement: I AM NOT SAYING THAT MEANS THAT THEY CONTRIBUTED MORE THEN EITHER IZZY OR STEVEN OR BOTH TO GN'R!"


Having said that, people used to confused Gilby with Izzy too. In addition, there's a LOT of reasons why Fortus & Frank aren't recognized by fans and they all pretty much start in the same place: Axl.

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5 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

I know, I know, I know. That's what I included this "Clarification Statement: I AM NOT SAYING THAT MEANS THAT THEY CONTRIBUTED MORE THEN EITHER IZZY OR STEVEN OR BOTH TO GN'R!"


Having said that, people used to confused Gilby with Izzy too. In addition, there's a LOT of reasons why Fortus & Frank aren't recognized by fans and they all pretty much start in the same place: Axl.

I did read your clarification ;) (I'm not one of those people... :tongue2:)

What I meant is that amount of time does not equal impact, therefore, that's the reason why some people think of them as "strangers", even if they've been there longer than the AFD guys.

And yes, I agree that it is Axl's fault that he couldn't make his nuGN'R great as it seems it was his vision in the beginning.

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1 hour ago, BorderlineCrazy said:

him as a liability and not as the drummer who was vital in the creation of one of their favorite records.

I mean you can see him as both, or at least imagine why he could be

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Let's face it...Nobody wanted this money grab tour without soul if you were a '86-'93 fan.

We stood by them all these years and the least they could do was divide the money equally.

Nobody wanted to see Fartus instead of Izzy/Gilby, Frand instead of adler/Sorum, Melissa...what the fuck is she there anyway!?!? They should have put that Illusion monster that stood by the stage.

Is there a way to deal with this? Absoultely.   I am not giving them a single dime for the tickets. There is no way I am going to see this crap. Ax singing best is 70% worse than his worst '91-'93.

I see ppl draw comparison to Fofrtus with Gilby.  That is in no way same. Izzy left on his terms, Gilby came in. Now both Izzy and Gilby wanted back but nobody wanted them. It makes sense if your founding member wants in - you let him, right!? ...or you don't lebel it as 'renion tour'.

Plus, Gilby fitted the band perfectly image wise, Fortus doesn't. He looks like he wants to take spotlight away from Slash but of course, looks ridiculous.

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Adler "I dont hold resentment" next minute of the interview "Iz is just as heartbroken as I am that the three of them decided to leave us out and bring three strangers in–who are those people?"


This guy..... he is his own worst enemy.

He, himself is the reason his not in the band and with the ongoing bad mouthing never will.

Time to step back and accept some ownership from being booted. He needs to look towards his own behaviour.

Also something you should of done 28 years ago is move on!! 

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12 hours ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

Let's be realists here.

1) Steven and Izzy ceased being members of the band prior to the business deal involving Slash/Duff/Axl as partners in Guns N' Roses. They therefore do not have the same negotiation leverage as Slash/Duff/Axl in deciding matters relating to the band that is Guns N' Roses.


Whether we like it or not, this is spot on and often ignored due to personal agendas.


12 hours ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

2) Steven and Izzy could be expected to play the complete Appetite set and some UYI songs. Frank and Richard have been in the band for years and already know how to play those songs and more. There would have been significant re-training required.


While mostly true, I think many would argue that those guys don't play the songs correctly or at least can't play them like IZZY and STEVEN can. Perhaps AXL is partially to blame as he wants them played at a different tempo and arranged somewhat differently, but nobody knows for certain since they don't or can't talk about it.


12 hours ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

3) Whether or not it is true, Steven and Izzy are traditionally considered unreliable. Izzy for not enjoying the tours and disappearing at odd times, and Steven for flaking out and relapsing. Frank and Richard are safer bets.


I don't know how any realistic fan can argue with this.


12 hours ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

3) There is no incentive to bring Steven and Izzy on full-time. The tour sold anyway, and bringing them on would mean Slash/Duff/Axl would have had to pay more out of their ROI and put up with potential crises.

Does it suck that Steven and Izzy don't have larger roles in Guns N' Roses? Absolutely. However, i think it makes sense from a strictly business and security point of view to keep Frank and Richard for the tour, rather than Steven and Izzy. 

Melissa is a moot point considering she replaced Pitman. She adds some things to Guns N' Roses, but i think her place is not comparable to Frank's and Richard's.


My opinion always has been that, for the masses and casual fans, the 2 most important pieces to the GN'R puzzle are AXL and SLASH. If they are both involved, it will be much, much bigger than if only one of them is involved or any other combination of the original 5 are involved. I realize IZZY fans will argue til their blue in the face how valuable he is/was to the band, but that doesn't matter much to the masses and casual fans. Many of those fans couldn't even describe what IZZY or STEVEN look like. But those fans all know who AXL and SLASH are.

We hardcore fans realize how valuable each member was to the band. Some more than others. IZZY no doubt was a big part of the writing process and brought a unique sound and style just like everyone else did. But unfortunately, what he did just isn't as visible or recognizable to casual fans and he just isn't near as visible or popular. Therefore his presence isn't needed unless they ever plan to record new material. And even then, AXL, SLASH and DUFF may not be looking to re-capture what they once had but instead want to go in a slightly different direction.


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