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The 3 question Data collection thread

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Like in the link below, I am going to collect the data from this thread and see what we all think ....



The questions are:

1. Who is your favorite member of GNR ?

2. Who do you think has/had the most talent in GNR ?

3. What Former Member would you like to see back in the band ?



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1. Who is your favorite member of GNR ? - I'll say Dizzy Reed seen as he's had the better songs out of them all post 2016. 

2. Who do you think has/had the most talent in GNR ? Axl Rose. An incredible ear for melody and his songwriting/lyrics keep me hanging around for more. Vocally? He's put down some of the greatest vocals ever recorded. 

3. What Former Member would you like to see back in the band ? The band's sound in a live setting would drastically improve with a virtuoso on Guitar, so Bumble or Bucket would obviously fit that role, however, I'd probably go with Brain or Freese. 



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What’s everyone’s definition of talent? because i initially listened Bucket as the most talented. I believe that more than ever after watching slash absolutely butcher his solos (which is fair on Slash’s part, he has the right to play it however he wants being he is the “real” gnr lead guitarist a responsibly for its success). In the recent years, I’ve come to appreciate Ron Thals ability to be the only guitarist in Guns history to ever do justice to buckets work. On a level of musicality, I think he (bucket) is the best to ever work in the gnr camp. Although, on a level of songwriting ability, Axl, Izzy, Duff and Slash knew how to make a hit song, which is a talent in its own way. 


the level of talent it took to make Appetite is incomparable to the talent that went in to making Chinese Democracy, and arguably UYI (which after reading Duff and Slash’s book, seems like three different solo acts clashing together. I’ve always thought about GNR as three different bands. 87-90 (a true band collaboration ) 91-96 (where UYI was a compilation of Izzy songs, Duff songs, Axl songs, and Slash songs) and 98-2008 It’s kind of hard to really compare these three eras and relate them as being the same band. Just my opinion. 

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