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Team Brazil being fucking idiots

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28 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

Who is that? Can you give a hint?

It's not difficult to guess. This person has said some things in public, too.

27 minutes ago, themadcaplaughs said:

Did MSL propagate the rumor about the T. Rex cover? I always thought that was just something that came from another "insider". 

I'm under the impression that the other "insider" had the T-Rex information from him, or that they both had it from the same third "insider". But I might be wrong about that.

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41 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

It's not difficult to guess. This person has said some things in public, too.

I'm under the impression that the other "insider" had the T-Rex information from him, or that they both had it from the same third "insider". But I might be wrong about that.

If I remember correctly, from my own work on the history of the band I came across a quote  suggesting they recorded a second T-Rex cover during the UYI touring. The quote was a bit ambiguous on whether it actually was a second cover of this band, and that such a possible cover existed was possible not a common fact among fans. I concluded that it was a mistake, no second cover was ever recorded. I believe the rumours started spreading after I wrote about it on A4D and I concluded that someone used the info to make up a semi-plausible rumor as part of some scheme. But I can remember this entirely wrong :D

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24 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

If I remember correctly, from my own work on the history of the band I came across a quote  suggesting they recorded a second T-Rex cover during the UYI touring. The quote was a bit ambiguous on whether it actually was a second cover of this band, and that such a possible cover existed was possible not a common fact among fans. I concluded that it was a mistake, no second cover was ever recorded. I believe the rumours started spreading after I wrote about it on A4D and I concluded that someone used the info to make up a semi-plausible rumor as part of some scheme. But I can remember this entirely wrong :D

The rumour started from Mitch Lafon in December 2018 (I don't know if you had covered 1993/TSI in the a4d history section yet, but the rumour was about a newly recorded cover):

The rumour was officially shot down soon afterwards:


But a few months later, at the time of the leaks, it somehow re-emerged as "inside information" about a supposed EP:

(The "information" originated from another forum).

EDIT: I remember the quote you're referring to about a second T-Rex cover being recorded during TSI sessions (it was from Duff) and that we concluded that it was rather just a misquoting, because there's no T-Rex song with that title ("Beautful King", iirc).

Edited by Blackstar
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Don't Ban Me | Ep. 281 - YouTube

Spoke to Rick "The Banned Man" Dunsford and elaborated on the situation. But a few things I want to be clear about if you don't listen:

1) Please do not verbally attack TB. I only want to inform fans of GNR interview challenges I've faced over the years.

2) The thread is called "going after Brando" ...they're not going after me. Just putting up roadblocks.

3) I truly hope whatever "miscommunication" can be resolved.

4) And to be clear, all challenges happened before I became friendly with Doug and working on his book.



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  • Stay.Of.Execution changed the title to Team Brazil being fucking idiots (AFD Podcast)

The great thing about GNR is the mystery. Inner circle and privacy is a huge part of the enigma of this rock band. 

It's not a good idea to fuck with that, why? because it's been successful. It's tried and tested. Fans are rabid for more for this reason. I don't understand people that can't figure that out. The press and people don't know the real Axl. The press promote them by simply being shut out from the real and relying on BS stories. PR is genius when you are not paying for it. Any PR is good PR.

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1 hour ago, Route66 said:

The great thing about GNR is the mystery. Inner circle and privacy is a huge part of the enigma of this rock band. 

It's not a good idea to fuck with that, why? because it's been successful. It's tried and tested. Fans are rabid for more for this reason. I don't understand people that can't figure that out. The press and people don't know the real Axl. The press promote them by simply being shut out from the real and relying on BS stories. PR is genius when you are not paying for it. Any PR is good PR.

There is a difference though between letting mystery create hype like what Prince did, and being so unproductive in every way possible save for performing the same songs in the same order, that it just annoys the fuck out of everyone who is supposed to be cheering you on :lol:  I think their inaction publically and musically has really wasted the hot iron they could have stricken with after touring in 2016 and 2017


I don't know if what GNR is doing is creating rabid fans - this is the most indifferent I have seen hardcore and even slightly-above-casual GNR fans be in my 13 years of being here (save for the couple of years here lurking pre-CD).  It would be one thing if they let new music do the talking for them, but it is hard to maintain interest in a band that says nothing new verbally or musically

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Many many comments all over social media asking for a new album.  I find this calling of fans as 'rabid' most disrespectful, is this how GNR and TB see us?  Yes it was once good pr for GnR to remain silent 'I  want to be alone', but I think it is past its sell by date now and will become more so as time goes on still without new music, afterall that is why we follow bands, not just to watch the ageing process.  There are some really good bands coming up, Inhalor Bono's sons band for instance, there will be no need to follow a silent band.  Sorry I am just so cross about this 'rabid' fan thing...

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12 minutes ago, DurhamGirl said:

Many many comments all over social media asking for a new album.  I find this calling of fans as 'rabid' most disrespectful, is this how GNR and TB see us?  Yes it was once good pr for GnR to remain silent 'I  want to be alone', but I think it is past its sell by date now and will become more so as time goes on still without new music, afterall that is why we follow bands, not just to watch the ageing process.  There are some really good bands coming up, Inhalor Bono's sons band for instance, there will be no need to follow a silent band.  Sorry I am just so cross about this 'rabid' fan thing...

Did TB call us rabid? 

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As someone who doesn't like social media at all, has no desire to know what celebrities are doing all the time at the time and basically dislikes all that modern day 'got to be seen to be doing certain stuff' bullshit I actually really appreciate the fact they want to lead private lives, want to keep things quiet, don't care for interviews etc. It's pretty refreshing. 

Problem is though that most others who take that stance let their actions speak for them. When there's no activity whatsoever then people quickly get irritated. There's also a big line between wanting to keep a veil of secrecy and privacy (totally cool) and not communicating on basic practical things that any business has to do with their customers. I think they're not great at recognising that the latter is a very separate thing from wanting to maintain 'mystery'. 

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6 hours ago, Route66 said:

The great thing about GNR is the mystery. Inner circle and privacy is a huge part of the enigma of this rock band. 

It's not a good idea to fuck with that, why? because it's been successful. It's tried and tested. Fans are rabid for more for this reason. I don't understand people that can't figure that out. The press and people don't know the real Axl. The press promote them by simply being shut out from the real and relying on BS stories. PR is genius when you are not paying for it. Any PR is good PR.

I have to assume this post is intended as a joke, but in case it's not:

That entire line of thinking was accurate between 1990 and 1991, then it was completely worn out by 1993.

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2 hours ago, adamsapple said:

Being a GNR fan these days is like asking nicely for a refill and then have the barista slapping you in the face with a wet towel for enjoying the coffee.

This made me lol and is such a spot on analogy. :lol:

And that they're not the slightest bit self-aware about how odd they allow themselves to operate is just incredible.

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4 hours ago, adamsapple said:

Being a GNR fan these days is like asking nicely for a refill and then have the barista slapping you in the face with a wet towel for enjoying the coffee.

Amazing, this is exactly the concept for the coffee place I'm about to open, with GN'R memorabilia on the walls!

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On 7/19/2021 at 12:46 PM, mystery said:

That last part is pretty much what he did with Chinese Democracy. How you describe him reminds me of Kevin Durant, star basketball player in the NBA for those who don't know. He's a superstar player and very wealthy but he cares way too much what random people on social media think of him. To the point where he responds to random people and makes burners. 

But he helped my Warriors win two championships so it's good.😄

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If, despite themselves, Team Brazil figures out how to get a full GNR album released before the end of 2021, they still will have done a fucking pitiful job on the new music front.

So, congratulations Team Brazil.  Even in the very best case scenario, you still suck. Amazing.

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